Competing ideas: Other considerations

In evaluating scientific ideas, evidence is the main arbiter; however, sometimes the available evidence supports several different hypotheses or theories equally well. In those cases, science often applies other criteria to evaluate the explanations. Though these are more like rules of thumb than firm standards, scientists are more likely to put their trust in ideas that:


The principle of parsimony suggests that when two explanations fit the observations equally well, a simpler explanation should be preferred over a more convoluted and complex explanation. For a hypothetical illustration, imagine that we have only a few lines of evidence in a case of cookie jar pilfering: a broken and empty cookie jar, a crumb trail leading to the doggie door, and Fido's bellyache. Perhaps Fido stole the cookies, or perhaps it was all a set-up: the parrot knocked the jar off the table and ate the cookies, the cat tracked the crumbs to the door, and Fido has a bellyache because he got into the neighbor's garbage can. Both explanations fit all the available evidence - but which is more parsimonious?

To learn more about how parsimony is balanced with other considerations when evaluating evidence, explore our case study on animal color vision.

All this might seem complex, but it's important to keep the main point in mind. These criteria are just guidelines for identifying ideas that work — ideas that fit the evidence, generate new expectations, inspire further research, and seem to be accurate explanations for how the world works!

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