Science in disguise

Teaching is an example of a challenge that can be addressed by science.

Our Science Checklist fits well with a wide range of investigations - from developing an Alzheimer's drug, to dissecting the structure of atoms, to probing the neurology of human emotion. Even endeavors far from one's typical picture of science, like figuring out how best to teach English as a second language or examining the impact of a government deficit on the economy, can be addressed by science.

Disguised as science

However, other human endeavors, which might at first seem like science, are actually not very much like science at all. For example, the Intelligent Design movement promotes the idea that many aspects of life are too complex to have evolved without the intervention of an intelligent cause - assumed by most proponents to be a supernatural being, like God. Promoters of this idea are interested in explaining what we observe in the natural world (the features of living things), which does align well with the aims of science. However, because Intelligent Design relies on the action of an unspecified "intelligent cause," it is not a testable idea. Furthermore, the movement itself has several other characteristics that reveal it to be non-science.

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